Sunday, January 18, 2009

The best fiction I've ever read

I'm not much into reading fiction. I like reading theological books, books that help me in my walk with God, Christian resources for parenting... things like that. When my sweet friend, Mary Kate suggested I read a fiction book I reluctantly said yes. WELL, I stayed up until 2 a.m. three nights in a row to finish this book b/c it was that good. I've never read anything like it before and doubt I ever will again. It is truly an epic tale of God's love for us told in the story of a man named Micheal instructed by God to take a prostitute for a wife (sound like a familiar story). It it set in the 1800 gold rush of California. I love that period of time anyway, so that helped. But the love story between these two people pulled at my heart strings the entire time. I've never read fiction that made me cry, and I cried more than once. I can't even begin to explain it, but just to say go and get a copy and read it for yourself. You won't be the same afterward, its that good.

"Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers

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