OK....so I'll try and make this brief. I promise.
When we moved to TN I joined a group called PROTECT (www.protect.org) They fight for government change to make laws tougher for child predators and child molesters. The group is VERY bi-partisan and the only social issue they engage in is speaking for the rights of the victims of sexual assault and/or exploitation. It is their main focus and purpose to change the laws in this land to reflect an attitude of accountability and justice of those who prey upon innocent children.
Recently, Camille Cooper, who is the director of Legislative Affairs has proposed a bill to the Senate that would allow more government funding to monitor and bring to justice these types of criminals. In the bill, detectives would be assigned to do nothing but track down and bring charges against pedophiles. As of now, most law enforcement offices do not have the resources to provide that kind of staffing. The bill would make that possible. OK.....I am not in the habit of telling people to watch Oprah (yes, its a cult, no I don't subscribe), but this time I am. Officials from Protect will be on the Oprah show Monday Sept. 15th. If you want to be more informed you can watch the show, or go to the Protect website and find out more info. on the bill.
The best thing you can do is call your State Senator office and request that they pass this bill. If they get enough calls, they'll pay attention. DO NOT be apathetic (please) and think that you can't make a difference.....to quote a great document....'We the people'.....yes you can make a difference, so please do.
I've taken the time to give you the phone numbers and address of your State Senators so that step is done for you.....you'll just need to pick up the phone. This is a great organization to work with/for if this cause is a passion for you.
Blessings your way, and much love from me.......Brandi :)
The name of the bill is Protect Our Children Act S. 1738, Biden-Hatch
Lamar Alexander
455 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Bob Corker
185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Jim Bunning
316 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Mitch McConnell
361-A Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510