Thursday, September 11, 2008

kids say the darnest things

I took this pic of Baylee the morning of her first day of school. She has NEVER been a morning person! She likes to sleep in and she is the hardest person to wake up on the planet. This morning Brad went upstairs to get her up for school. She turns over and pulls the covers back up over her and says, "leave me alone while I'm in my natural habitat"......that alone is proof enough that she is my daughter!

This evening while putting her to bed, we were reading her devotional for the day and it was about Jesus dying. I asked her, "honey, do you know why Jesus died", she says....."so that we could live"......I remember the verse, "and a child shall lead them"....I so needed to hear that today. He died so we could live, AMEN, Baylee. As my best friend, Erin would say, "preach it, sister"

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