Thursday, May 22, 2008

Baylee's Kindergarten Island

Baylee had an amazing year in preschool. We loved every minute of it. This week she and her classmates put on a performance called "Kindergarten Island" It was so cute. They danced and played air guitar. We had the most fun ever!
Baylee's teacher, Ms. Jamie. She is one of those rare teachers that truly loves her job. She made Baylee's year extra special. Ms. Jamie gave all the parents a scrapbook for the year. She also has three children of her own. How she finds the time and energy is beyond me.
Singing songs with Ms. Shelly, the teaching assistant in the pre-K room. We love her too. Baylee really was blessed with great teachers this year!
Our girl, isn't she the cutest!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

And such a lady...look at her with her little legs crossed!