Thursday, May 15, 2008

Makes a momma proud

Two very different things happened today with my children. One was a profound "God" moment, and the other I just had to laugh at because really, sometimes that is all you can do.

1. Neal went on a field trip today and at lunch with four of his friends, who are also Christians, they decided together that they would pray and bless the food! I'm so proud of my Neal and his friends for being bold in their faith.

2. ok, this is just funny! It is a well documented fact that women have more words to speak per day than men do. Brad and I have seen this play out in our marriage A LOT! Who knew this truth would start so early in life. The following is a conversation I overheard my kids having at the dinner table tonight. It was 9pm and they had reminded me that we didn't have dessert after dinner! What a tragedy! So like any good momma would, I sat them down and gave them each a scoop of ice cream...LOL! Then I went to the next room to fold laundry; its never ending!

Baylee: Hey Neal

Neal: What (with the sound in his voice that says before the conversation begins....."don't bother me right now, I'm busy can't you see")

Baylee: Today at school we had a performance in the gym and there was this guy who did puppet shows and made jokes and ms. jamie was in a talent show and was sooooo cool i wish i could be in a talent show i wonder what i'd be what would you be if you were in a talent show i bet you'd be a superhero or a race car driver, i'd be a rock star, movie star and oh then we went back to the classroom and had treats.....(yes, just like that. one big run on sentence)

Neal: Baylee shush

Baylee: and when we had treats someone got in trouble because they were being loud is it loud at your school its loud sometimes in my class but we sing a lot of songs so we like it loud our favorite song is "driving in my car" its great and we are going to sing it soon i like to sing

Neal: Baylee please; slow down

Baylee: i'm just telling you about my day

Neal: I don't care, I'm eating ice cream

Baylee: well i like ice cream and cake and oh today at school we ate in the cafeteria and it was good mom packed my lunch though i ate it all but morgan didn't eat all her lunch and i bet she is hungry now

Neal: Baylee please; be quiet!

Baylee: why

Neal: because I don't care and your giving me a headache.

Baylee: why am i giving you a headache i'm just telling you about my day

Neal: I don't care about your day right now, we are eating ice cream and then we will play hi/low with mom and then go to bed, now please be quiet.

Baylee: but neal


That was rather long, but I just had to share, I was laughing hard in the next room. I thought to myself, it only gets worse guys! Just wait!

1 comment:

Mary Kate said...

I can just picture neal trying not to make eye contact as he is desperately trying to quietly enjoy his ice cream. Ha! it does only get worse son, sorry.

the worst of it is, I was baylee. hee! oh, did i say WAS... hmm.